Apr 3, 2020Liked by 3musesmerge

Random thoughts as always. First, I so appreciate your helpful prods and peptalks. All very much needed. First random thought: I learned today that paid Zoom accounts can monitor eye contact during group activities. A diversion of gaze longer than 30 seconds results in a figurative whack on the knuckles with the steel-edged ruler. And the audio of group activities can be recorded "in the cloud" for later consumption. See also "Boss."

Sharing magnificence with others? Well, my wife did the actual sharing; I just gave her the contents of a box of nitrile gloves that I keep on hand for projects like staining, gluing or painting. Beth took the gloves to a local medical society that is collecting/dispersing such donations. Citrus hand cleaner is a good fallback for me in case I have an urge to task. So far clinical trials haven't been conducted to test efficacy for COVID-19 cases...

Last, Bill Withers passed away today (maybe yesterday). Listened to his music lots in my college/graduate school days. Look for "A Lovely Day" and I suspect it will provide that sense of magnificence.

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I can't believe it's been almost four years! We started about the same time!

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For at least the next several weeks, I'm bringing my magnificence to others through Google Classroom. Haha!

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