Feb 11, 2020Liked by 3musesmerge

I've been kicking around the idea of when to resist and when to be shushed; so far, I've got the baseline of "when have I reached the point that I'm willing to lose what I have left to get what I don't have?" And currently, I have a LOT left, so... Now, if my wife got murdered by POTUS red-hat goons, yeah, then I'd be researching how to turn a national convention building into a fuel-air bomb, or something similarly crazy. Otherwise, I'm settling for some nasty poetry!

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Feb 11, 2020Liked by 3musesmerge

There is a lot of peace and calmness in what you have written. Wonderful!

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I have so much to say about this, Gail, I could write a book, lol. For now, I'll just say- someone has to be the peacemaker. When two (or more) sides are at war, someone has to stay behind the lines, reaching out to hold the hands of others who are fearful, wounded, disaffected, hopeless. Someone has to speak softly to those who have shut out the screaming. Someone has to build the bridges. But I'm afraid to say this in some settings because the warriors then attack me--I speak from experience.

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Hi Gail, this was a brave post. Thank you for having the courage to bring the conversation out into the community and open it up for discussion.

I agree there are many people who don’t comment on social media, raise their voice or make a ruckus, and it saddens me to say I have been one of them.

Although I have strong opinions and also believe walking hand in hand for what is right, fair and just (especially when 2.2 billion children in the world are relying on us to advocate on their behalf) the rise of data tracking, storage and analysing from multiple sources worldwide makes it no longer a safe space to hold discussions but rather a liability with long standing legal and far reaching dangerous ramifications.

The laws in my country don’t support the individuals right to privacy and our government will change policies (about whatever they want) at whim to suit their needs.

Until someone addresses this data issue with some kind of a safe place/internet/social media etc for the world to regain their privacy, in addition to changing laws to protect human rights, freedom of anonymity, removed data tracking and cookies etc on the internet etc unfortunately I see less rising as a collective, less raising of voices, and a whole lot more silence.

In saying that Gail, it only takes a small amount of change to make a movement, so if you are offering to go first and walk quietly, then I will offer you my outstretched hand in virtual friendship and join you in your discussions here on substack :)

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