I’m presently marooned on Frustration Island! Frustrated by a breaking down dishwasher. By an above stove microwave that jettisoned its door handle. It popped out of the plastic door perimeter for no good reason! (I’ve noticed that occurrences like that generally occur for no good reason.) Let’s not forget my stuttering iPhone. New enough that Apple says it can still receive updates. Great! Not great. The update to 17.2 made it act like a Heimlich Maneuver was in order. I always back up my phone before an update. The prospect of re-installing it now seems to bode ill. Ha-ha-ha! AT&T is convinced my wifes’ 13 Pro Max is really my phone (a very silly, long story) and keeps messaging me that I’m eligible for an upgrade! And I’m not because mine was paid off over 2 years ago. Sigh 🤷🏽

So that’s the achy, breaky part of my being stuck. Leslie Gore sang, “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you.”

As for becoming Un-frustrated… Meatloaf sang, “Let me sleep on it. Baby, baby let me sleep on it. I’ll give you an answer in the morning.”

He ascribed to the belief, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” 🥹

At least I’m hoping Homer stocks the dishwasher I selected. They promised to let me know by tomorrow.

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I see your jukebox is in fine working order. 😉

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On reflection, my remarks were too silly, too frivolous for the question you asked. No doubt I needed some “comic relief” but not in a way to take away from your message. I apologize for doing so. 😔

P.S. I enjoyed the fluctuation in the tone of your voice, the occasional heavenward glances, and overall enjoyment in what you were reading… and had written in 2017!

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Silly is good!

And… thank you for your appreciation. 😁

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