Jun 15Liked by 3musesmerge

Wait wait wait — it hasn’t “gotten you anywhere”? Says who? OMG, Gail, you do so much, you touch so many, you keep trying new things — you are AWESOME! You ROCK!

What, this person was critical because you never made the cover of Time or appeared in whatzeirname’s “100 Richest People”? You, dear lady, are Gail Freakin’ Boenning! And you Got There!

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You -- Jack "Pretty Amazing Yourself" Herlocker -- delivered a great big smile to my face. :)

And in truth the question/questioner I believe was coming from a place of caring. A question I sometimes ask myself. 🤭

Keep rocking, keep exploring, keep growing and... Let us see what happens.

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That person's comment made me sad...for them. What a constrained life that only counts material success as valuable. Keep shining your light, Gail!

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Thanks for reading and commenting Cindy!

We live in a time and culture when/where material markers define success?

Come to think of it… Isn’t this an historical pattern on repeat? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve been reading some Ralph Waldo Emerson texts recently. I love this excerpt:

This time, like all times is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. ~RWE


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Writing for the sake of meaning will always be more fulfilling than writing for the sake of fame. Easy to forget, but critical to remember. Thanks for the reminder :)

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I am so grateful I now understand where fulfillment comes from… the action and not the result.

And should I forget… I hope somebody reminds me right quick!

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Ha! If someone doesn't, reality just might!

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True that!

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