I love the Chesterton quote. This from you is another thought and provokes a question.

"Do you ever wonder why life is as it is —"

Can "wondering" get in the way of living, being "what is" in each moment?

Why is this important to know? Is noticing the same as seeking or wondering?

When you view the flower in that immediate instant, are you seeking or wondering anything?

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Yes. I can see where wonder becomes an impediment to experiencing.

(This has K written all over it.)

Read this great line this morning:

"And from there, there was nothing to be thought. Only witnessed."


From my perspective, Noticing is different from seeking and wondering. I am a fan of all three.

Now let me ask you a question... You have a brain that is cable of thought, gifted by the Great Mystery? Do you enjoy using that gift?

I surely do. Without it... if all of my actions were simply channeled through the creator or circumstance... I'd fully miss the feelings and satisfaction of growth and learning, call and response, effort and output.

That said, I gladly and gratefully accept collaboration from God whenever he sees fit to offer. ;)

Ulike K, I believe the answer to this equation is a firm Yes, and.

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Is comparison a gift from G_d?

What does the word 'freedom' mean to you?

I am saying yes to you, K, and G_d!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

I used to spout -- "Comparison is the thief of joy."

And... there was a time in my growth when that was helpful.

Now I believe comparison IS a gift from God.

Is comparison what allows us to experience consciousness as an independent beings?

Does it allow us to choose yes, no, or maybe -- and to experience the results of our choices?

Without comparison, could we have free will?

Freedom is a complicated concept. My current working understanding ties freedom to responsibility... freedom to hear the "voice" of God and to act accordingly. This will be problematic/mysterious for those who've yet to "hear" the voice of God.

Three references that have influenced my thinking in this area come to mind:

“The wire is you and me; the current is God,” she (Mother Teresa) said. “We have the power to let the current pass through us, use us, and produce the light of the world—Jesus."



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Freedom for me is "freedom from" all this.

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Please define “all this”?

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All that you said and more!

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