Aug 11, 2021Liked by 3musesmerge

I’ve heard folks comment, “Summer colds are the worst!” But I have to wonder, is any time of year “good” for a cold?

I have to ask, “Are the Muses practicing social distancing and exerting their “muse-itionship” outside your office window?” (Stood under dense cloud cover…) Or is this a reference to clouds of confusion, perhaps resulting from one too many almond danish? Blackberry scones?

May collective clarity return, along with sniffle-free creativity! And leisurely strolls with Henrietta.

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Aug 11, 2021Liked by 3musesmerge

>> “I think she’s ingested too much information again and clogged our creativity pipeline.”

I am sooo going to steal that, Cal!

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Aug 12, 2021Liked by 3musesmerge

I hope you recover soon my dear 💕

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